TGIF tonight I had a drink with my mate who is very famous music composer of 'Stereo Art' at bizzare pub near old street tube station where it used to be post office but it's refurbished as a pub now. When I talk to him I am always inspired in some season. FUN!! In this pub there are lots of useless stuffs you can find wherever you see in garbage are spread around anywhere and cheap organic beer they sell. And also it's been used as A venue for music gigs, dancing spaces, acting stages, art exhibitions and any other performance. Anyway inspiration is the most important stuff for the fields I fancy in terms of making me feel alive. Unfortunately these kind of places are always around East part of London but West one. Besides I'm living in South West London. Arty scene's always around East part, which makes me get imagination. Good good. If I had an opportunity to move anywhere else, I would chose East part of London though.