Friday, 30 May 2008

TGIF again. Drinking night! But my main concern is to take balance even this good night. Some has got getting yourself into work while others' got getting yourself into something apart from work. I've never happened to concentrate on something what you really want to do actually never would it do. I sense it even whatever something new happens to me however you have to manage you life somehow. Will it happen that the term when I can be focus on true stuff of mine. Who knows reckon no one knows then what I can do is just heading towards your ideal which you never forget and should stuck on. Carry on until you get it.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Taking balance

Just a saying to let you know those who reads awful this blog that I've tried to write propery. I've been busy for working apart from what I really want to do however I'm still try to reach my target point if you know what I mean. Drinking with my mates, heading for my purpose and spending my comfortable time with my love make me feel alive. So no worries for what I've been and how I've been. Everything's been alright and will be. Thank you mates.
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Friday, 23 May 2008
Drinking with mate who inspire me.

TGIF tonight I had a drink with my mate who is very famous music composer of 'Stereo Art' at bizzare pub near old street tube station where it used to be post office but it's refurbished as a pub now. When I talk to him I am always inspired in some season. FUN!! In this pub there are lots of useless stuffs you can find wherever you see in garbage are spread around anywhere and cheap organic beer they sell. And also it's been used as A venue for music gigs, dancing spaces, acting stages, art exhibitions and any other performance. Anyway inspiration is the most important stuff for the fields I fancy in terms of making me feel alive. Unfortunately these kind of places are always around East part of London but West one. Besides I'm living in South West London. Arty scene's always around East part, which makes me get imagination. Good good. If I had an opportunity to move anywhere else, I would chose East part of London though.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Monday, 19 May 2008
Meerkat manor

There's the story about meerkat who survive day-to-day life like TV drama story..... In Burma and China it has devastating nature disaster in these days as if it's normal . All of sudden everything's just been changed by the tiny bless of nature of god if you have A word. when I think of it I feel that I'll never know what it happens to me tomorrow. Then we should enjoy everyday without stressing out that it won't lead you towards what you want to head even if you have to get stability from something. We should go ahead something you're willing to be then you can be smiling no matter what happens very end of the day..... Like them
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Time has come

God! Can't believe it that you can't smoke inside pub. But haha the season has come that you can drink and smoke just about outside section of the pub. Mmm nice though. That's alright at least. It's getting brighter and brighter until it gets summer date, which is quite soon unfortunately. However forget about it now!
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Monday, 5 May 2008
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Friday, 2 May 2008
Night out
"Here is where we go seperate way" we said and then bounced. That was good night out where we went some bizarre cafe, pub and free-will-drinking area. Sometimes I think that I should set me free enough to make me uprise forgetting about who I am and something those stuffs but it seems it would be difficult to put me into that way.
Why? Why not?
These kind of struggling give me big sense of what I want to do.
I'm gonna have three days off practically two but it will be fine. Golden week in Japan isn't it? Well good man. May my wishes all the time be with those who kindly read my blog especially! Good night........out!!
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Portico Quartet
Portico Quartet I've never fallen love in band ever but was completely stoned when I listened their tunes. It's fascinating and hung drums that they use was invented exactly the end of last century quite new stuff and my most favorite percussion ever and would say never. Had a nice time which made me get stress away and be happier. Music is sort of magic though.
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